Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Capital-T Truth is...

Let me just say that of all the pieces that we have read so far, I absolutely love this one. It calls so much attention to the very thing that gives us life(in my opinion): awareness Not only does awarness gives everything living thing life but it is what separates us humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. Our awarness of killing. Our awarness of habitat. Our awareness of education and so forth. But this speech is really brillant to me.

My absolute favorite part is where he begins to talk about worshipping "There is no such thing as not worshipping...Worship intellect, being seen as smart- you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out." It's like he hit it right on the spot. I had never thought about the idea that religion could move past a spiritual being(s) that one believed. But it is really true because some people really do worship money. I have a few friends who honestly believe that beauty is skin deep. They refuse to befriend anyone below their standards; in doing so they have missed out on making friends who will actually mean something and stick around. But I just love how he makes it a point to let it be known that religion is beyond a person; it can be a concept, or thing as well.

Another point that he makes that I like is about "socially conscious" thinking. It made me smile after I read this speech because I try to be more socially conscious of what is going on around me. If I'm doing that then it means that I am aware of what is going on in life. I like to be that kind of person. The way that I grew up was a bit on the spoiled side and I use to have a motto that "everything was about me." So for me "self centered" thinking was my default setting. The fact that I can switch from self centered to socially conscious is a major plus for me.

All in all I really like this speech. Can't say that enough. But it had really good meaning and a great message. For me it screamed "you can be aware without being moral." It's not that things can't happen or exist it's just that you accept the notion that it is possible.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Banking Concept of Education

Here's my opinion in this topic(as it always is with my blog haha) but I just feel like there is too much of a AP between what is considered to be republican, libertarian, and democratic policies. In all honesty none of the parties or ideologies work completely alone. We need them all to make a society function properly. Though Freire makes some valid points about how the classroom should work. No teachers should not feel as though they know all and students know nothing. Yes the classes should have some solidarity to them but how can the pupils learn how society works if there is no structure within the class. In all honesty I feel as though the change should start in the both directions. That is to say that the change should come within the classrooms as well as the offices. If society continues to run the way that it is all the newly educated people will only come off as barbarians with their efforts to change. You see the minority has had power since the beginning of time and no one has noticed that there is power in numbers except in a few places in time, American Revolution, French Revolution, Apartheid in Africa, and other revolutions. Yet with all these successful rebellions no one has yet make this idea concrete and solid and we have had disasters like the Holocaust where 13 million people were killed by the minority. In the instance of the Holocaust the Banking Concept was in fact used. It was used so well with propaganda that it not only convinced people that Jews were bad but it brain washed thousands of people. In a sense the banking concept may not be all bad but it can be used for bad. There needs to be a structure in where there is an authority figure that takes into consideration the ideas and creativity of an individual. Such as the way society should be.