Monday, September 12, 2011

Possible Ideas for Research

When I was in high school I had a spanish teacher that I had managed to get all four years of my high school career. He was always "talking" about how kids in America were underprivileged. He always told us that "back home en Puerto Rico tomo Ingles desde el nivel elemental" I roll my eyes every time I think about it. But I can't help but think that he has a point somewhere in his stories he would always tell. What has become of American education? Where are we as a generation going to be when it is our time to step up to the plate? Will we be able to cope or even better, have the courage to stand up and do something. Why have we as college students stopped being the rebellious people that our predecessors once were? I think I'd like to do my research on the education system and the values of young americans. Do we watch the news? I mean real news. Not the local news. I mean BBC or CNN. What happened to voicing our opinions? Is it authority that has caused this drastic change in the young people? I want to attempt to answer these questions in my paper.

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